00 Identification Document

01 Robertson, Just Hangin' Around, Digital, 12 x 12", Intro to Printmaking: Design an image involving nature that will be used for a linocut, Spring 2011
Innocence, Digital/Illustration, 8.5 x 8.5", Self Directed, 2011

02 Robertson, Nursery Rhyme, Digital/Illustration/Typography, Single Page: 11 x 7" & Entire Book: 11 x 42",  Illustration: Illustrate a nursery rhyme of your choice, Fall 2011

03 Robertson, Lord of the Flies Book Cover, Digital/Illustration/Typography, 19.5 x 9.5", Illustration: Design a book cover for a book of your choice, Fall 2011

04 Robertson, Cheetah Gestalt, Digital, Final Poster 11 x 17", Visual Communications: Choose an animal and 1) Reduce the animal to its simplest form 2) Combine the animal with a letter from its name to create gestalt 3) Create a company and design its logo using your gestalt animal and letter, Spring 2012

05 Robertson, New Cheetah Exhibit Banners, Digital/Illustration/Typography, 2 banners 17 x 17", Visual Communications: Design two banners for a new exhibit at a zoo of your choice, Spring 2012

06 Robertson, Effect of Violent Media, Digital/Illustration/Typography, 2 Poster both 13 x 19", Visual Communications: Choose an issue with two sides and design a poster for each side, Spring 2012

07 Robertson, Visual Rhetoric - PS3 Controller, Digital/Typography/Photography, Final Poster: 13 x 19", Visual Communications: Design a poster which demonstrates the power of Visual Rhetoric, Spring 2012

08 Robertson, Incomplete Guide to Gamers' Behavior, Digital/Illustration/Typography, 1 page: 4.5 x 6.5", Bookmaking: Final with no limitations, Spring 2012

09 Robertson, WSU Performing Arts 2012-13 Poster, Digital/Typography, Final Poster 11 x 17", Typography: Design a poster that includes the entire schedule for the performing arts at WSU, Fall 2012

10 Robertson, The Leonardo Brochure, Digital/Illustration/Typography, Final Brochure: 11 x 17", Typography: Design a brochure for The Leonardo, Fall 2012

11 Robertson, Lost and Uncharted Publication, Digital/Illustration/Typography/Photography, 2 page spread: 11 x 17", Typography: Design a 16 page publication with 3 different topics. Integrate these topics so they feel cohesive in the overall piece.